Our ethos

We are firm believers that packaging is in itself a brand identifier and one of the most important aspects of the marketing mix. We focus on creativity and clever designs to take bland packaging and turn it into one of the biggest marketing tools for our clients. We do so while following our three core values: 

  • High quality does not necessarily mean high price

    We do all our productions in-house. We oversee every aspect of the production, from initial 3d draft designs, through to mold creation and final product. This ensures we provide only the highest quality, at the best value.

  • Always think outside the box

    We constantly look into new technology and advancements in the industry. We put a lot of investment back into our machines to constantly update and ensure we are ahead of the curve. Our adept design team works in tandem with our product technicians to constantly push the boundary on what can be achieved in production. It is one of the main reasons we managed to create our iconic twister cup and our Star-Cup.

  • Minimise the impact on the environment

    Climate change is the biggest threat facing our planet. Whilst the issue is multi-faceted and has a lot of different contributing factors, there is no denying that plastics and pollutants rank high on that list. We are extremely concerned both as a company and as individuals about the dangers facing our environment, which is why all our yards are comprised out of fully recyclable PET plastic. In addition, our reusable and refillable cups and bottles are another way we try and combat the negative effect of disposables. We also minimise wastage at every step of production, reusing materials where possible, which is both environmentally friendly and cost effective. Our biodegradable straw solutions are also something we are very proud of and we are constantly looking at other biodegradable solutions that can be applied to even more of our products.